Ajanta Pharma has shot up siginificantly in the last two months. Time to book
partial profit and play safe.
Share price of Indraprastha Gas has crashed over 30% in single day as PNGRB
directed to reduce its selling prices for certain types of gas in New Delhi.
Hold on and don’t book losses in panic.
Paper companies are witnessing some buying interest from certain group of
investors. Hold on to JK Paper and TNPL
At a market cap of Rs.80 crore, Revathi Equipment is worth a punt. In the long
run it seems to be a good takeover candidate by some MNC.
Small tractors are in great demand in foreign markets. M&M, Escorts look
ALSTOM and BGR are in for good times with big orders flowing in from Jyoti
Structures and Powergrid for the former and NTPC for the latter.
MNC counters like Fairfield Atlas, Morganite Crucible, Foseco, BASF India and Federal-Mogul
have attracted good investor enquiries and are expected to fetch decent gains
on expectation of delisting offers going forward.
Aries Agro is reportedly faring well with a likely EPS of over Rs.20 in FY12
and Rs.25 in FY13. The share is going cheap.
A banking analyst strongly recommends United Bank of India with a likely
appreciation of about 40%. Buy for decent gain.
CG Igarashi Motors, which was recently taken over by HBL Power has major
expansion plans. The share is poised to advance further.
AGC Network formerly Avaya Global and taken over by Aegis Global of the Essar
Group, is expected to post an EPS of Rs.40+ in FY12. The share is poised to
touch Rs.300 shortly.
One infra analyst strongly recommends the shares of KNR Constructions, MBL
Infra and JMC Projects for 30% return in the medium term.
Torrent Cables is likely to clock an EPS of Rs.20 in FY12. The share has all
the potential to appreciate by over 33% in the medium term.
An Ahmedabad based technical analyst recommends Alstom Projects, IVRCL, Ind-Swift,
MT Educare, R.S. Software and Twilight Litaka Pharma to accumulate at every
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